Oh hello, I didn't see you there. Welcome to the world of 125 Borden St. in the heart of the Annex, home of the world's first Squong championship. Our cheif exports include questionable living standards, flashless pictures of house parties, and Andrew's (We used to have two...)

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Borden House does Free Concerts!

This weekend, Gord "One Encore" Downie and his Tragically Hip rocked historic Fort York in the shadow of the Gardner Expressway. Fans of all ages poured into the fort asking themselves "Will he play Ahead by a Century?" But I ask you, where were the real fans? The few, the proud, the cheap...

That's right, in the free-seats. Just outside the fences held together by twist-ties, our heroes made their stand, rockin' to the aryan twang and kabitzing with security guards. It was a similar scene the next day...

The Borden House Concert Series continues, as Borden House does The Islands! Feist, Bloc Party, and Broken Social Scene as enjoyed from across the river on Centre Island. A $50 value for the price of a $6 ferry ticket. As the random fellow with his LCBO bag full of Pabst Blue Ribbon beside us points out: "Yeah, it's cheaper AND you get free beer!" I'm sure he meant you can bring your own, but who was I to tell him otherwise.

In amoungst all the mind blowing performances and thrill of virtual piracy, this reporter learned one thing...people at concerts can get very desperate for a place to urinate. And when they do, it's our job as reporters to take pictures of them from across the water and shout things like "I C.U.P.!!"

Why? Because, my friend, they'd do it to you...

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Retrospective: St. Paddy's Day 2006

REEVER: I was just moving some songs over from my laptop to my PC and I came across some pictures from St. Paddy's Day a while back when some of us hit up the Wolf & Firkin where my sister works.

The following us a brief snippet of that night. While I remember most of it, I dont remember most of it, if you know what I'm saying...You know...eh? Yeah...

n8 and I never did meet up for long. By the time he was able to make it, Court and I were on our way somesplace else. If nothing else, we partied together in spirit...

P.S. That would be Dave's junk we're so enthusiastically pointing at...

Monday, June 12, 2006

Girl on blog, boys on couches on cars.

Basically the worst thing in the whole goddamn world is moving. Even worse is moving at night. When it's raining. However, the Borden House Moving Team Inc. made my experience enjoyable, and most of all, hilarious.


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

And so, with a little help from my kitchen table, couch and stereo, I was welcomed to the Borden house.
The moral of this story is... putting couches on the roofs of parents' vans is only a little bit of a bad idea. Mostly it's just awesome.

- C.j.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Retrospective: And They Went Their Separate Ways...

REEVER: Never have there been so many groups going to different nightclubs on the same night. Dance Cave; The Phoenix; The Boat; Stones Place 'Big Primpin'...

"A Borden House divided cannot stand," so saith Abe Lincoln, who was a real whiz with night clubs.

Group fondlings, two fisted drinking, G & T reunions. Borden house kitchen had it all..

All in all, we avoided bigotry by going our separate ways. The result? A long ass line-up at the Dance Cave.

Here's a picture or two from the evening.
I just like the look on n8's face...

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Primer - The movie so nice you'll see it twice

I just saw Primer. Damn that's an amazing movie!! Now would someone kindly explain to me a few things...?
