Borden House does Free Concerts!

This weekend, Gord "One Encore" Downie and his Tragically Hip rocked historic Fort York in the shadow of the Gardner Expressway. Fans of all ages poured into the fort asking themselves "Will he play Ahead by a Century?" But I ask you, where were the real fans? The few, the proud, the cheap...
That's right, in the free-seats. Just outside the fences held together by twist-ties, our heroes made their stand, rockin' to the aryan twang and kabitzing with security guards. It was a similar scene the next day...

The Borden House Concert Series continues, as Borden House does The Islands! Feist, Bloc Party, and Broken Social Scene as enjoyed from across the river on Centre Island. A $50 value for the price of a $6 ferry ticket. As the random fellow with his LCBO bag full of Pabst Blue Ribbon beside us points out: "Yeah, it's cheaper AND you get free beer!" I'm sure he meant you can bring your own, but who was I to tell him otherwise.
In amoungst all the mind blowing performances and thrill of virtual piracy, this reporter learned one thing...people at concerts can get very desperate for a place to urinate. And when they do, it's our job as reporters to take pictures of them from across the water and shout things like "I C.U.P.!!"
Why? Because, my friend, they'd do it to you...