Oh hello, I didn't see you there. Welcome to the world of 125 Borden St. in the heart of the Annex, home of the world's first Squong championship. Our cheif exports include questionable living standards, flashless pictures of house parties, and Andrew's (We used to have two...)

Monday, June 12, 2006

Girl on blog, boys on couches on cars.

Basically the worst thing in the whole goddamn world is moving. Even worse is moving at night. When it's raining. However, the Borden House Moving Team Inc. made my experience enjoyable, and most of all, hilarious.


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And so, with a little help from my kitchen table, couch and stereo, I was welcomed to the Borden house.
The moral of this story is... putting couches on the roofs of parents' vans is only a little bit of a bad idea. Mostly it's just awesome.

- C.j.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frankly I don't know why we didn't put one up there sooner. So much wasted youth...

6:32 PM


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