Lest we Forget...

November 11th, 2006 - Rememberence Day
In looking at the many pictures around our house, I realized that a year ago around this time was that infamous night of rowdy Caving I remember so well (considering). I discovered this when I realized I was wearing a poppy -- a puzzle pieced together so skillfully it could have been an episode of CSI.

In their day they were reckless, they were loud, they were patriots. But above all things they were drunk. There were incidents of running over cars, garbage can abuse, not to mention using garbage cans to abuse cars (ones that were already wrecked like ourselves, mind you!) But sure enough, one day there will be a Borden House Games, and those games will include Garbage Can Hurling, and the potentially less destructive (though better ranged) VCR Hurling.

In any case, I just thought these pictures needed to be on this blog. They're classics. Thank you for tuning into this very special Rememberence Day post. Goodnight, and goodday.
lol, nice to see i havnt corrupted the 'dong' too much...he was a larrakin before coming to australia!
8:27 PM
ahhh shoe to the gonads.. I remember this event..
12:34 AM
hahaha I haven't come to the borden blog in a while but this post is pretty hip to my jive sirs
1:48 PM
the blackmail is for your souls... duuuuhhh!
8:58 PM
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