Is This Stupid?

But what the hell should I do with these untold thousands of used - and useless - staples. Up to now I had simply been throwing them out every day, which struck me as a waste of both garbage bags (for a few measely staples hidden at the bottom of the bag? Really?) and unnecessary, considering they are metal, and that metal can be recycled, as scrap or otherwise.
So I Googled it the other day and came across a UK website called How Can I Recycle This and found an article with user feedback on how used staples can be recycled. (Even if you don't generate a lot of used staples in your day-to-day life the article is worth checking out for this creepy guy 'Andy' - who is not me, by the by - who is trying to not only pick up another poster named 'Kim,' but has described in detail how he would use staples as a means of slow and painful torture...
Wierded out...
So the questions are twofold: now that I too have begun saving my staples for future recycling consideration at work, is this stupid? And depending on your answer, what would be the best way to recycle them other than dumping them in the recycle bin and hoping it doesn't piss the cleaner's off? I have already tried their patience I'm sure by taping a note to my garba
ge bin saying "Please do not throw away my staples." I'm sure they think the summer staff must have been hired from an outreach programme, and/or that I'm mildly retarded.

But not as retarded as this kid. Click on the WSIB link to see other pictures from the 2007 WSIB Young Workers Safety Campaign. They're pretty hilarious...
I think the best thing to do would be to fashion them into chainmail in order to protet yourself whilst biking down Spadina in the morning.
4:06 PM
That would be about the scratchiest hairshirt ever worn by man...
And whilst protecting me from sticks and stones, will do little to protect me from haunting jeers like "Get on the sidewalk, assface!"
11:16 AM
You mean you weren't hired from an Outreach program!? You sir just blew my mind!
12:36 PM
Does Dave count as an Outreach Programme?
1:57 PM
Dave could be a notch or 2 above OP & Drew matured from his stint across Can. as a useful handi student or jo-boy depending on how you rate the park & rink cleanup in ON.
3:05 PM
I don't even know who that last comment was from. Anyone? No name?
11:38 AM
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