Oh hello, I didn't see you there. Welcome to the world of 125 Borden St. in the heart of the Annex, home of the world's first Squong championship. Our cheif exports include questionable living standards, flashless pictures of house parties, and Andrew's (We used to have two...)

Thursday, July 31, 2008

'Do You Know Someone Worships You?'

Sometime last year as I was driving out of the IKEA parking lot I got a call from my sister laughingly wondering if I was aware that, in the vastness of Cyber-space, someone had created a shrine to Andrew Reeves? And that upon closer inspection I was that Andrew Reeves?

After wondering who the hell it would have been making something like that - that creepy girl in High School who said I looked like Christian Bale and then turned on me in an MSN conversation? That girl from the Dance Cave who, drunkenly, I gave my phone number to, two weeks after Courtney and I first started dating? - it suddenly hit me.

A good freind of mine from High School, Kayla, created a blog with Angelfire - HA! - that recorded the e-mails I sent out to my friends when I left in OAC for a seven-month volunteer programme called Katimavik. And while the e-mails themselves provide a nostalgic glimpse into Andrew in High School, the funniest thing is the pictures. And the one posted above is just a sample. (By the way, that is me, Kevin Dowse, and Nate Robertson.) Word...

So here is the Andrew Reeves Shrine for all those interested in getting a better glimpse into the world of High School Andrew. Though for the life of me, I don't know why you would...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My goodness. I was a greasy lil teen, no? Also I'm fairly sure that's the front hallway of my parents' place.


11:28 AM

Blogger Karen said...

Ha! I love how you end off all your e-mails with "Bye for now!"

I hate "Bye for now". But your awesome bead necklaces make up for it.

Also, the girl in the middle of this picture could have been me in high school.

11:28 AM

Blogger Reever said...

Kevin - Yes, that was indeed, the hallway of your parents house, and the photo was taken by Leah.

Karen - I didn't even know I ended many e-mails with 'Bye for now,' but thankfully my ass was saved by the Beaded Necklace. I was 17. And the girl in that picture in the middle was Jen Chow. From what I've seen, there are some similarities.

11:53 AM

Blogger C. Walker said...

You failed to mention the part of the story where that rando girl CALLED you the next morning. While I was at your place no less...

this is how I knew you were a hot commodity.

1:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's so cool! Funny how long ago it was... I remember sending back and forth emails with you back then as well! Just that - as always - I was on another continent...
Take care
Hugs Alex

5:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear lord... I should really take this site down eh?

1:30 PM


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