Oh hello, I didn't see you there. Welcome to the world of 125 Borden St. in the heart of the Annex, home of the world's first Squong championship. Our cheif exports include questionable living standards, flashless pictures of house parties, and Andrew's (We used to have two...)

Monday, September 08, 2008

First Day of School...

Reever, on his big first day of Graduate classes for his Masters in Geography. Courtney insisted on commemorating the big day for all to see. It was weird being on campus during Frosh Week and seeing so many kids running around in bright neon t-shirts with shitty college designs on them. 

I had a few Dazed and Confused moments during the Frosh Week concert last Friday, except instead of high school girls staying the same age while Matthew McConaughey got older, it was frosh girls and me. I think Courtney told me at least once at the concert to stop being so lecherous - I was just floored at how provocatively some of them dressed on their first day!

We grow up so fast, don't we? 'Cept for Frosh girls: they keep staying the same age...

Funny thing is, this photo was taken about five minutes before I went to the backyard and found the back deck broken and my bike stolen. See how blissful I am in my ignorance? 

Oh No He Didn't...

Said he wouldn't do it, but the sonofabitch did it anyway and called an early election to suit the needs of his failing majority, rather than waiting to have the election at set, four-year intervals as he promised he would. So in light of the recent election announced for October 4th, 2008, here is my consolidated list of Stephen Harper's thoughts on GOOD's, BAD's, and QUESTIONABLE's in Canadian life. 

- Big Oil in Alberta
- Environmental Degradation Through Tar Sands Oil Extraction
- De-centralized Government and a weaker Federal Canadian state
- Promotion of "Distinct Society" Status for Quebec
- George W. Bush and the militarization of the Northern and Western hemisphere
- Going on Safari in Afghanistan 
- Evangelicals; Cowboys; Brokeback Mountain
- Eating Kittens (I don't know where this photo originated, but I found it on Google Images. And it's terrifying!)
- Sweater-vests; Spray-on hair; Lying...

- Climate Change
- The place of intelligent women in (his) government seen in the distinct lack of any intelligent women promoted to important and/or critical portfolio's 
- Integrity; his marriage with his wife; that he is not robotic in everything but his passionate hatred of homosexuals, pregnant women seeking abortions, and the environment

- Funding for the Arts
- Same-sex Marriage
- Reproductive Rights
- Freedom to those in the Arts to create art forms free from government censorship
- Sharing power, even with members of his own party: this includes Minister's, too
- People who live in cities; Ontario; Torontonians... 
- Tofu: and people who eat Tofu

It's on, you bullying, smug douchebag... 

It's on...

Friday, September 05, 2008

No One Loves A Good 'Freebird' Reference More Than Me...


And The Daily Show provided one of the best I've seen in a good, long while. And, what's more, it was able to knock former New York mayor, of 9/11 fame, Rudy Giuliani down a peg or two.  At least it would, if he wasn't already a monster incapable of human feelings or emotions. Like shame. Particularly shame.

Here's the Freebird link - since I can't just imbed the video, which sucks. 

There's also an amazing clip from Samantha Bee in which she attempts to get some rather stubborn Republicans in Minnesota to simply say a word, so hateful to their ears: "choice." It's terrifying to see that a young woman is physically not able to bring herself to say the word, knowing as she does that if she does say "choice," that she might not have a leg to stand on regarding other choices, such as reproductive choices and freedoms. It's absolutely hilarious, but again - I was more struck by how scary it is that a young woman, who by all accounts is a contemporary of mine, could lead such a different life than mine that she could not even bring herself to admit that choice is a good thing.  

Creepy... Here is the link for the Samantha Bee clip...

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

From One Sea Otter To Another...

Happy Anniversary, Court... 

It was yesterday, but I was too sad yesterday about my bike to post.  

Sad About Bike = Smaller Than Happiness About You

To The Asshole Who Stole My Bike On September 2nd, 2008...

You, good Sir, who no doubt lives in the half-way home behind my Apartment and is probably going to sell my beautiful, two-year old Fuji Hybrid to Uncle Jacob on Spadina for $15 with which to buy more crack, are a super douchebag who had no right to take something that did not belong to you. And you broke part of our deck in your bloodthirsty cleptomania and I now have to call my landlord and report that part of our deck has been smashed up by you, you super douchebag, in your efforts to steal my beautiful, goddamn bike that was my main method of transportation, leaving my relatively screwed for my first week of classes next week. And I'll be damned if I'll rely on the Carleton Streetcar to get anywhere - I'd sooner wait on Jesus' resurrection.

I noticed the other day on Craigslist that someone was offering a reward for their Cannondale Racing Bike which was stolen from underneath the Princess Gates at the CNE: I was wondering if I should go on Craigslist and advertise a reward for not the safe return of my bike, but for your ass on a platter. It would be like Mr. Burns turning off the beer taps in Springfield and telling people to take it up with Homer Simpson unless Homer gave him Bobo the bear, thus turning everyone in Springfield against him. Either way, I don't think it would bring my bike back - and I don't have the kind of money that people might want for the capture of another human being. So yeah...

I'll just be sad instead, and think about all the improvements I made to the bike that I won't be able to enjoy anymore, and the good times that I've had, but are not able to have again with my Fuji Hybrid. 

R.I.P. Fuji Hybrid - as I said to Courtney, I at least hope you get bought and used by someone who will ride you, treat you well, and replace your front spokes, rather than getting tossed in someone's backyard until they need another fix. A man can hope, can't he?