No One Loves A Good 'Freebird' Reference More Than Me...

And The Daily Show provided one of the best I've seen in a good, long while. And, what's more, it was able to knock former New York mayor, of 9/11 fame, Rudy Giuliani down a peg or two. At least it would, if he wasn't already a monster incapable of human feelings or emotions. Like shame. Particularly shame.
Here's the Freebird link - since I can't just imbed the video, which sucks.
There's also an amazing clip from Samantha Bee in which she attempts to get some rather stubborn Republicans in Minnesota to simply say a word, so hateful to their ears: "choice." It's terrifying to see that a young woman is physically not able to bring herself to say the word, knowing as she does that if she does say "choice," that she might not have a leg to stand on regarding other choices, such as reproductive choices and freedoms. It's absolutely hilarious, but again - I was more struck by how scary it is that a young woman, who by all accounts is a contemporary of mine, could lead such a different life than mine that she could not even bring herself to admit that choice is a good thing.
Creepy... Here is the link for the Samantha Bee clip...
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