Oh No He Didn't...

- Big Oil in Alberta
- Environmental Degradation Through Tar Sands Oil Extraction
- De-centralized Government and a weaker Federal Canadian state
- De-centralized Government and a weaker Federal Canadian state
- Promotion of "Distinct Society" Status for Quebec
- George W. Bush and the militarization of the Northern and Western hemisphere
- Going on Safari in Afghanistan
- Evangelicals; Cowboys; Brokeback Mountain
- Eating Kittens (I don't know where this photo originated, but I found it on Google Images. And it's terrifying!)
- Sweater-vests; Spray-on hair; Lying...
- Climate Change
- The place of intelligent women in (his) government seen in the distinct lack of any intelligent women promoted to important and/or critical portfolio's
- Integrity; his marriage with his wife; that he is not robotic in everything but his passionate hatred of homosexuals, pregnant women seeking abortions, and the environment
- Funding for the Arts
- Same-sex Marriage
- Reproductive Rights
- Freedom to those in the Arts to create art forms free from government censorship
- Sharing power, even with members of his own party: this includes Minister's, too
- People who live in cities; Ontario; Torontonians...
- Tofu: and people who eat Tofu
It's on...
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